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Stories of Lost Children

My Daughter, My Friend
by Valerie Walters, Shepherd, TX, U.S.A.

Like so many others, my child has died. So many, I never knew until that day. Families left in pieces, just like mine. She was special, yes, the same as your son or daughter. Her death came too soon, for she was still a child, and I loved her then but I love her more now. I miss her face, her laughter, her tears. I know we miss our children so much it hurts. She brought me joy and life was different then, wasn't it? My daughter taught me so many things in her fourteen years. Our children teach us to love without question, to laugh without reservation, and to survive without their tender hand in ours. It is a different place for us now, a lonely place. My daughter's memory urges me on. She was beautiful, inspiring, a gift to cherish. She lived a life far more graciously than I ever have. Our children are our opus. They are truly the meaning of life, untainted. Through the lives and deaths of our sons and daughters we become who we really are meant to be. My Morgan taught me that we are here for each other, to love, and that is all. Where there is no hope, we can find the love of our children, in our hearts and minds.

I share our story and our pain with all those who cry for their children. Morgan, I love you always and forever.

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