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Stories of Lost Children

My Angels Play in Heaven
by Amanda Fagg, Lyons, IN, U.S.A.

I just had my second child on 09-27-2009. I thought the loss of one child was bad, buy when I lost my daughter Sophia I think it was harder than the first. I lost my son Dylan a year ago and everyone told me I need to move on and get over it. Tell me how you get over the loss of a child? You don’t you can only learn to live with the pain and anger. My daughter on got to live for four hours. How is that fair? Its not. When I lost her I wanted to die. My son was bad enough but now to take my daughter. I don't think I can live with it.

The only thing I can tell a parent that is going through this is take one day at a time. If you want to cry, than cry. Don’t hold it in that will make things worse. If you want to yell do it you need to let it out and its not bad to ask for help don't be ashamed. I was the first time. I felt I needed to be punished for not taking care of my baby, but I have finally realized there wasn't anything I could of done differently. I did all I could and I loved as much as my heart could. Now I hurt as much as my heart can. Be strong and just hold on. You will find your way I did and now I am again. I am not gonna lie and say its easy its not.

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