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Stories of Lost Children

Too Young To Pass
by Debbie Antoine, Brampton, ON, Canada

I had four children by the age of 25 years and I loved each and every one of them more than life itself. I was forced to work and leave them with their dad - a house dad.
One day I was getting ready for work and my children were playing outside unsupervised. I looked in on my third youngest Jackie planting a potato plant and she said mom I just want to plant this plant and then I will come inside. She promised. I trusted her. I went inside and showered to get ready for work. I finished my shower and I was confronted by a pale faced daughter so I said that there had been an accident. I grabbed some bandages and alcohol and proceeded to follow her. We ran and ran and then I saw the dreaded emergency lights. This was not alright, something was terribly wrong. The dad in the equation ran ahead and I ran in close second dragging my little boy behind me. The shadow of something on a rock. As I got closer I could see that it was my baby girl. NO No it can't be. She was put in an ambulance before I could get to her. I was left to wonder. Police questioned me. Let me go to my child please. I was left to search for a ride. Alone - as my other children were put in a police cruiser. Why? I was driven by a good samarithan lady. She drove me to the hospital and upon my arrival - I still was not able to see my baby. We were put in a grief room. Maybe if she could have heard my voice and felt our presence - maybe she would have fought harder. When we were allowed to emerge from that dreary room it was too late. The staff of the hospital had stopped all revival attempts and my baby girl was in a room alone and with tubes still in her delicate skin. She had surrendered to her maker and her life was gone.

I miss her just as much today as that day of July 16, 1997 as today 2008. Please realize moms that our children are always part of us and the pain will never go away but hopefully it will lessen with time as we realize that our children are the only sun that this world can give us and the sun must shine bright therefore our memories must be bright and without sadness. Plus if we have other children we must be there for them. We must be their sun and strength and food.

I miss my Jackie and she will always be in my heart but I have faith that she is with our God and he protects and keeps her safe and happy.

We love you Jackie. Hugs and kisses Mom

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