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Stories of Lost Children

God Took Both My Babies
by Tammy K., Trenton , FL, U.S.A.

This is about the loss of both my oldest daughter Ashley and her beautiful baby girl Jolea.

On Thanksgiving Day November 22, 2007, I got to spend 5 hours with my oldest daughter Ashley 20, my middle daughter Megan 17, my baby Breann 13 months, and my first and only granddaughter Jolea Michelle 13 months old. It was great watching my baby and granddaughter run through the house destroying everything in sight.

The time came for my oldest 2 daughters and Jolea to leave and go to my ex-husbands house for the rest of the evening.

My oldest daughter called around 5:45 pm and said she was on her way home. 20 Minutes later my ex-husband called me to tell me that my Ashley and Jolea had been in an accident. I didn't think it was bad but just the same I got up and left to where Ashley and Jolea were at. My ex-husband called me and told me to stop and turn around; that they (emt) had already taken Jolea. Why would they dare take my grandbaby from her mother who had never been apart in 13 months? So I stopped, saw the ambulance and followed it to the helicopter pad. I waited until she was in the air because I knew my Ash would have wanted that. Then I was on my way to the hospital when my phone rang and my ex told me my Ash was gone. It was as if I was numb to the words. I was mad as hell and couldn't change a thing.

By the time I got to the hospital, my Jolea was there. We had to wait about 25 minutes for the doctor to finally come in and tell us our Jolea was gone too.

I have a case going against the man who killed my girls but I still feel numb. The man is an emt driver and hit my girls from the side rear going 90 miles per hour through a caution light and a 65 mile per hour zone. I have no idea how to handle this. The days are actually getting harder. I feel as if life is almost purposeless. I Love the family I have left but the violent death my girls suffered has changed everything about me.

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