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Stories of Lost Children

by Amber, West Jordan, UT, U.S.A.

I delivered you stillborn, only ten weeks ago but the pain in my heart is much deeper than the thirty-eight weeks I spent carrying you. I eagerly anticipated your arrival. Bought outfits of pink and even learned how to tie a quilt. I washed and folded mountains of baby items and lovingly folded them, placing them in over-flowing drawers with more things than one child could ever use. I talked to your big brothers about being gentle to the baby and taught them your name.

The long anticipated day began with a nagging feeling that something was wrong. I rushed into the hospital; you hadn't moved. The heart beat monitor found nothing and the ultrasound confirmed my worst nightmare. You had died. My perfect baby girl had suffered a "cord accident" a terrible, unpredictable accident. Hours later your perfect little body was delivered, silent and still. Your spirit long flown.

How I miss you, my angel that I did not get to meet. I never heard your cry, or felt your soft breath, but I love you with all my heart. You will never be forgotten.

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