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Stories of Lost Children

My Wonder Little Lily
by Rae Desmond, Prospect, KY, U.S.A.

I can hardly believe it's been year already. I'm still waiting for the sadness to get better. I cry each time I see her photograph or hear a phrase the she said. Mostly, I still just cry all the time.

All my friends have gone back to their normal lives and tuck their children into bed each night. But I still need someone to talk to about her and no one is there anymore. When I mention her name they change the subject or make remarks like, "no crying today, only happy thoughts", so I cry alone in my house and have started avoiding going out. Some of my friends husbands have forbidden them to talk with me because it upsets them. I just want someone to talk to and understand that I still love her and miss her immensily. Unfortunately, instead of a warm friend I sit here and type into cyberspace because at least here someone will understand that year is yearly a very short time when you have lost what you loved most in the world.

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