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Stories of Lost Children

Chase - Our Little Angel
by Sherry Pollak, Rochester, NY, U.S.A.

Me and my husband were so excited after two losses early in pregnancy we were finally having a little boy. I had a high risk pregnancy and was at the doctors all the time they took ultrasounds pictures constantly we must have had at least 50 pics or so.we went to hour non stress test on February 14th Valentines Day I was 37 weeks and so excited he would be here soon. Everything went the same everything was fine. A couple days went by and on Friday night I had my husband call the doctors because they told us to call if there was a change in his movement. My husband spoke to the doctor and told them that I haven't been feeling the baby kick and they told him that thats normal at this stage. Then on Sunday I got a headache the next day. It still hadn't gone away and being at high risk for Preclampsia, we called the docs again they told us to come in. This is when our world fell apart. 5 doctors no heartbeat he was lifeless lying there in my tummy my heart shattered. I didn't understand I still don't know why this happened. I deliverd him natural on Febuary 23,2006. He was so beutiful and perfect 5 pounds 3oz 17-1/2 inches long. I still wake at night longing to hold him and comfort him. I would give anything to hold him in my arms just one more time. The hurt I am feeling is something I wish for no other and i feel the pain for those who do.

Mommy and Daddy love you Chase. You are our special angel (Chase Pollak February 23, 2006)

If anyone wishes to e-mail me its

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