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Stories of Lost Children

Doctor Not Caring About Your Child
by Holley New, Waterloo, SC, U.S.A.

I had a baby boy on May 29th. He was 10 weeks early. He was born healthy except for sleep apnea which is normal for premature babies. He stayed in the hospital for a month. He came home on a heart monitor machine. The doctor said he would live a normal life. He would be on the machine until he was 6 months. When I took him to his first doctor visit the Dr. spent 10 minutes tops with him. The doctor never looked at his machine or the log I had to keep for when the machine did go off.

On July 15th my son died because the machine was overriding itself. The memory of the machine got full. It took the machine 23 minutes to go off by that time. It was too late; my husband and I did CPR and we did get a heartbeat. My son fought for 8 hours. If that doctor would have downloaded his machine, he would be with me now. That doctor did not care about my child.

I am having a hard time with the corner. I have not even got a death certificate yet or cause of death. My son's autopsy showed nothing and all the test results come back negative. They're just trying to cover for that doctor. I do have 3 lawyers on it but nobody wants to cooperate with them. That doctor is still practicing today even though he killed My first child.

Please email me if you have any advice for me. It has destroyed me.

Thank you, Holley New

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