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Stories of Lost Children

6 Months-Still Pain
by Jennifer Tyner, Buffalo, NY, U.S.A.

Jolie,Jolie,Jolie. It's been six months to the day that you left us and it's still not easier. I still miss you, I still love you, I'm still angry that you were taken from me. All I feel is a type of numbness. I get up and go to work, take care of your daddy and brother, do the things I'm supposed to do, but its just going thru the motions. I miss you. I guess I thought one day I'd wake up and this would have been just a horrible nightmare. But 6 months later- still the pain. Still the emotions of knowing I'll never be able to tuck you in at night, or to comfort you from a nightmare. I miss you so much Jolie. Just know that not one day goes by where you are not thought of, missed, and loved. 6 months of pain done, a lifetime to go.

RIP Jolie Tyner-Clemons

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